Unexplored Area: Billeberga

Today me and David went for a walk. We walked through some rough areas and it was really hard to get through. For a while there I was afraid we do done a mistake trying to get through spiked fences, climbing fallen trees, thorny bushes and stinging nettles.

"I think this is a restricted area..."
"Who cares? They're gonna run after us?"

Unexplored area.

Well. The only thing we was looking for was a decent fishing spot. There aren't alot of them around here in South Sweden. In the end we never found one. The terrain was too rough and the only place that could had been decent was this place. Though it might be a bit too swiftly-flowing water for our fishing poles. And I don't think we're going back there any time soon. It was just too hard to get there. Sadly. It might be the most beautiful part of Billeberga. Too bad it's hidden and hard to get to.

Unexplored Area.

David belives it's a part of an old Water Power Plant that's not being used anymore. The water was really warm, it made me wish I could take a swim. Of course I didn't. Wouldn't be possible in those currents. But we could at least soak our hands.

Beautiful sight. Both the area and the man. Mhmm!

We sat on top of that rocky part of the old power plant for a while. Gathering our strenght again for the walk home. Smoke some cigarettes. Wishing we do bought some cake and soda for the trip. But well, we will remember to do that next time instead.

Anyway, I'm happy that I got to see this part of Billeberga. I always thought this place was boring and hardly beautiful, except from all the flowers and blooming trees. Even though my brother, Hannes and Lina really likes this place I have had a hard time liking it. Until today. I hope I'll find more places as beautiful as this one.
Better luck next time finding a decent fishing spot though.

To Linah

My best friend Linah is writing a story about a girl named Yoko. I don't want to reveal too much information on the book here because she is afraid that someone might try to copy her work. I have been reading it chapter after chapter as she continues to write it and it's truly awesome. I love the story. It's original but buried in the text is a part of our childhood and our memories. I love to read it because it feels like it's a part of us. A part of who we are. The characters and the story... without them neither of us would be who we are today. They had such a great impact on our lives. We may not be a part of the story, but as we played a game we named Filbunken this story begun to grew, and today around 10years later it's getting down on paper.

I can't wait to read more!

To Linah

Margaret, one of the stories main protagonists. I drew it for Linah.

To Linah

Yoko. The main character of the story. I drew it for Linah.


I am one of the happiest girls on Earth.

I have a wonderful man by my side. We live in a small apartment, we don't have much money, we can't travel the world. But who cares? A couple of years ago all I wanted was to get a great job with a fat salary check each month. After these past six months that have been quite rough on me, I have learned to appriciate the small things. I haven't been able to do much other than wait. Wait. Wait. Waiting for better times to come?

I have come to realize that I wouldn't trade this life for anything. And that's because that special sombody is always by my side. Telling me the wrong things when he tries to encourage me, so I always get mad instead. But well, I like it. Because he is doing his best. Because he is telling me the truth. He doesn't spoil me, still he cares. I wouldn't want it any other way. In the end I get more relaxed.
When people were saying "You can do it. You go girl!" I feel the pressure. I can not lose. I am not allowed to fail. In my head I hate myself if I fail if others cheer me on.
I may have always been too hard on myself in some way. I'm starting to forgive myself. Starting to accept that failing is a part of life and that it's only natural to not success with everything. Learning this I have become stronger and more confident.
And it's all because David is by my side. I have never ever grown so much in such a short time, as this past year we have been together.

One year together on the 14th May. Time flies so fast. We will grow old together in no time if time continues to fly this fast.
I'm no good with words. But one thing I do know;

I have found my happiness.

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