Bye Bye Sweden!

Me and David left Sweden two days ago. We went to visit David's parents in Köthen, Germany.
We begun our journey 12am in Billeberga, Sweden. After travelling two hours by train and bus we arrived in Trelleborg. We had one hour before our ferry left for Rostock, so we went to a restaurant and ate some really tasty food. I chosed oven baked chicken, pasta and curry and my darling chosed meat, potatoes and redwine sauce. 
After a short wait we boarded the ship and soon left for Germany! Nothing really exciting happened during the trip. We arrived in Köthen 12.30pm. 
David took some nice pictures during our trip though.

Click on the pictures for full size and resolution.

 David shot a picture of me on the train.  We are leaving Swedish water soon.
Me on the train and on the ferry.

Trelleborg's Panorama from the ferry
Panorama on the view from the ferry.
Trelleborg's harbour.

Denmark's Coast Panorama
Panorama on the view from the ferry.
Denmark's coast.


In exactly 7days I'm off to Germany to meet David's family. I have met his parents and one of his brothers a couple of weeks ago, but I'm still nervous. He has such a big family and the worst part is that I can't understand german! What to do? I guess I can't do much about it and they are really nice so I'm sure it all will turn out just fine.
I always get nervous even though I don't have to...

I'm off to Germany soon!

There is some way to travel. We will go by train from my place (between Landskrona and Lund)  to Malmö. And from Malmö we will take the bus to Trelleborg. From Trelleborg we will take the ferry over the sea to Rostock. In Rostock David's dad will pick us up and we will travel south for 5-6hours or something. I don't really know where. Just south of Berlin.
LOST IN SPACE~~ (and in translation)

Also, I'm celebrating 84days with David today. He isn't here at the moment though. He is working as a movie teacher at a university at the moment. A summer course or something like that. So I'm just gonna go out and celebrate by myself with a cig. If he was here he would had told me not to smoke though.


This post is gonna be in Swedish. Sorry english readers!

Oooh jag höll på att skratta ihjäl mig när jag hittade denhär artikeln! Jag kunde inte hålla med mer!

Ahhahaha, klockrent!

Nu vet jag att jag inte är dum som helt enkelt inte klarade språket här nere! Det ÄR verkligen så illa som det låter alltså! Ibland önskar jag att jag kunde se en pratbubbla över personerna medan dem pratar - så att man verkligen förstår vad de säger! Jag är riktigt stolt över mig själv som nu kan ta beställningar via telefon inne i restaurangen utan att behöva säga "Va?" tusen gånger innan jag fattar vad dem vill ha!

Men shit alltså, nu måste jag sova. Annars kommer jag att vara död imorgon. Det blev för sent inatt. Jag känner mig så uppstressad fortfarande så det har inte gått så bra att slappna av bara.

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