
I worked alot with a website to the restaurant where I worked before. Just so I could have my name on the site so I could get merits for it. And now, not even 2months later they have changed the whole fucking thing!
- AND IT IS SO DAMN UGLY NOW!!! What the fuck?!

I spent HOURS making that damn site and they destroyed the whole thing! I worked for free and for merits only. Fucking bastards. And they couldn't shut up and stressed me about that site like hell when I was making it. The whole layout is screwed up, but they still use my pictures.
Well, maybe they want a ugly site. It is also hard navigated now and doesn't work in all internet browsers. I made my site compatible with all browsers etc. They also use PDF, and not everyone have PDF readers on their computers. The new webmaster made a really nice guestbook though. But that's all. So sad.

Really ungrateful. Good luck and have fun. I won't help anymore anyway.

Posted by: Johanna

Jävla struthuvven! Fan va less man blir av att höra :(

2009-08-11 @ 15:45:32

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