Gamer Days

These last two days have been Gamer Days. The Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 was running warm for over 24hours with Gears of War 2, Super smash bros BRAWL, Crystal Quest, Wii Sports, Rock Band and Guitar hero 2 and 3. Add four crazy gamers to those things and it just can't get any better 'cept if we had remembered to buy some snacks before the stores closed up.

Gears of War 2 for Xbox 360.
This one became one of my favorite games quite fast. Much action and stunning graphics! I sucked, but who cares? We blew them all away and blood splashed all over the TV screen when we used the chainsaw weapon. I'm amazed!

Gears of War 2 for Xbox 360

Rock Band for Xbox 360.
I love Sing Star and Guitar Hero. So this one is far more greater than any of them. With combined mic, drums and guitars as controllers you are ready to rock!

My big favorite!Rock Band on screen

Super smash bros BRAWL for Nintendo Wii.
I have loved this game for years. Not quite brawl, but I loved this kind of game since the Super smash bros Melee came out for the Game Cube. This is the kinda game I can play over and over again. The most fun is ofcourse when you play it together with your friends, but this is one of the few multiplayer games that are really fun to solo play too with the story mode and all extras! I just wanna smash things again now!

Super smash bros will always be one of my favorites!

We played alot more games too, but these bacame (or already was) my favorites right now!

Do you have any games to recommend?
I have some golden ones that never leaves my heart, but I would love to add some more to the list.

Now I need some coffee. So I will see you all later!

Posted by: Anonym

Wii har några fina titlar som t.ex Twilight Princess och Super Mario Galaxy. Jätteroliga båda två.

Sen om du har Nintendo DS så kan jag varmt rekommendera The World Ends With You där du spelar ett spel där ditt liv står på spel i moderna Shibuya. Helt jätteroligt.

2009-04-20 @ 19:03:51
Posted by: Shuei

Till den ovan. :O Hon har spelat Twilight Princess. Är ganska 100 på det iaf. Ingen aning om Super Mario Galaxy.

Hon har även spelat The World Ends With You. <.<; Hon hade bara inte spelat det på sina Gamer Days. x.x

Och.. Förlåt Kamira för att jag skrev det. D: Jag vet bara att du har spelat dom.

Anywhom, back to English. :'D I've played the few Wii games that you said. Not sure if Crystal Quest is a Wii game, but if it is.. Then I haven't played it.

I'z dun haf XBOX #&=(360)! D: But oh well, if I did.. I would've bought Gears of War, and the second game.. And a few more games that I already have in my mind. :3

I have no recommendations for you, since you already know the few games that I've played. But most games I would suggest goes to PS3, or PS2. (Yes, I know you have a PS2... <.<)

I can see that you DO need coffee. :O You spelled incorrectly at a few words. xD But not that it matters. :O <--- Grammar geek. SRY.

2009-04-20 @ 23:51:13
Posted by: Kamira

Answer to Anonym:

Jag har spelat ut Twilight Princess och The Word Ends with You. Stora favoriter båda två!

Då ska jag bara prova Super Mario Galaxy nu då!! Först ska jag bara köpa ett eget wii!

Answer to Shuei:

Ahahaha, ja, men låt mig svara på mina egna meddelanden tack :P annars har jag inget att kommentera tillslut!

Crystal Quest is a 360 game. I didn't really like it, but the others did. I have never liked tactical games like that one really...

One day I will buy a 360! I wanna play Left 4 dead, fable + many more!

Then recommend some PS2 games for me! :P

If you find grammar errors tell me so I can correct them. Copy the sentence and post it with the correction. I'm not a God when it comes to spelling - both swedish and english.

Peace out! :D

2009-04-28 @ 15:04:52

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